My Truth

What is Spirituality?

To me – Spirituality – is love and forgiveness in action between two or more people.

I believe that you can not have one (LOVE) without the other (FORGIVENESS). When both are in operation what follows is (HEALING), (SERVICE) and (GRATITUDE).

To truly love yourself and another person – you need to have the capacity to forgive yourself and the other person.

None of us are perfect and YES we all make mistakes – But hey – I want to LIVE – to LEARN – to LOVE – to FORGIVE – to SERVE – to reach within and without and move towards the Source I call God (The Great Spirit).

Modern living can be stressful – please read the following message from the Dalai Lama titled “Countering Stress and Depression”:-

Please check out the following links – these were Divine Services at Poole Christian Spiritualist Church:-


May God (The Great Spirit) Bless You All ~ xox.